At Blue Top Waterfront & Champagne & Parisi, we are uniquely positioned in the real estate community with an international focus that few firms can match. Working with us means you have an industry insider committed to fighting for your best interests, ensuring peace of mind at the closing table and protection throughout the delicate steps of the home-buying process.

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Video Marketing

Professional videos allow buyers to view our best listings from anywhere in the world, bringing properties to life and enhancing buyer engagement.

MLS Marketing

Blue Top Waterfront invests in MLS enhancements, sponsored searches, and featured listings to get your home sold quickly and with maximum exposure. We promote listings on several MLS services and advertising sites to increase visibility.

Licensed Real Estate Agents

Our brokers are not only licensed, but as individuals who have often purchased homes themselves, they understand what’s important to you, before, during, and after closing.

Print Advertising

While digital marketing dominates, print remains vital. Thousands of home buyers still browse yachting magazines’ brokerage sections. Blue Top Waterfront advertises in dozens of publications annually, ensuring your property reaches a wide audience.

Email Marketing

With a database exceeding 250,000 home buyers, our digital marketing team engages potential clients through a monthly newsletter and weekly broadcasts targeted at the yachting community. This year alone, Blue Top Waterfront is on track to send over 8,500,000 targeted emails.

Social Media

Blue Top Waterfront maintains a strong presence on all major platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. This robust engagement strategy allows us to promote listings more broadly and connect with boaters and home buyers where they spend much of their online time.

Our Dedicated Team: Fulfilling Clients' Needs

Great achievements stem from great people. Our marketing success is a testament to our hard-working team committed to excellence. At Blue Top Waterfront, we believe in the power of doing simple things well: working diligently, fulfilling promises, and maintaining transparency.

Explore the difference with Blue Top Waterfront & Champagne & Parisi — where your real estate goals are our top priority.